About Shavon

My name is Shavon – Welcome to our blog!

Here you can read about fitness & healthy lifestyle & products, books & movies, DIY Crafts and  mainly thoughts on the Christian walk of life!

I am a PA/Administrator by day and a Christian lifestyle blogger enthusiast by night. A good day starts with my multi-vitamins and a great oatmeal breakfast with a gourmet coffee and ends with a delicious meal, some yummy snacks in between.

I was born into a Christian family & been developing my journey with my Saviour ever since. I am always eager to deeper into my relationship with my Saviour & it is so important to me.

In my spare time I really enjoy my crafts, dancing & anything D.I.Y. I secretly want to be a interior designer, events co-ordinator, dancer, owner, entrepreneur & proverbs 31 lady.

If you are a young vibrant Christian women with exciting tastes for things in life, you will love reading this blog.
